Idaho Child Custody: The Right Evidence & Winning Your Case
You know things are going on – drugs, abuse, neglect, unhealthy conditions, etc, but the other parent denies everything you confront them with, or has simply skipped town with the kids. What’s worse is that your loved ones should never be subjected to such behaviors and situations. Here’s how to prove your case in court along with some examples of Idaho child custody cases that might be just like yours.
We’re a Boise area Private Investigation firm that assists in many local child custody cases so we know what works in Idaho’s courts!
These Stories Might Sound Like Your Child Custody Case
While your exact circumstances may vary slightly, no doubt you’ll find these Idaho custody cases carry the same underlying tone as yours. You can win your case just like these parents did theirs, we’ll show you how they won despite quite possibly being the “underdog”.
Child Custody Case #1

Court Awards Idaho Father Full Child Custody
The custody deck is generally stacked against fathers, but this Idaho father found a simple way to turn the tables.
As with all divorces involving children, this father’s case had a custody agreement and visitation arrangements for his child. The mother’s past, however, was not spotless, and due to her past troubles with drugs the agreement stipulated that while in her care, the child was not be around certain individuals nor stay certain places. Fearing the worst was happening, and wanting only the best for his child, the father filed for full custody.
The proof problem and what he did to win. How could he PROVE the mother was taking his child around and/or staying with this forbidden crowd thus subjecting his child to horrible circumstances? She’s never going to admit it, and the court won’t simply take his word over her denial. Needing hard evidence, he hired us to provide discreet surveillance of the mother’s activities and whereabouts while caring for his child. We provided footage of the mother violating the custody and visitation decrees while caring for our client’s child. Based on this hard evidence, the court awarded our client full custody of his child.
Hiring a reputable private investigator is one of simplest and most cost effective means of obtaining irrefutable evidence and winning your child custody case. The key with this is to hire a professional investigation firm that the court will recognize.
Child Custody Case #2

Mother Wins Full Custody Despite Father’s Bid For More
Amid surmounting false allegations against her in court, this Idaho mother plays one last card that completely changes the game and gains her full child custody.
With assets and child custody at stake, divorce tends to bring out the worst from one side or the other. The father, in this case, was hoping to secure his bid for more child custody and began to fabricate lies against the mother in court. Though defending herself and maintaining that these allegations were lies, she needed to prove this to the court or risk losing more child custody.
Lies can be very convincing even to judges, how could she prove to the court they couldn’t trust the father’s words?
Needing to prove that he was not a credible person with compelling evidence, she hired us to do covert surveillance of his daily activities. We obtained lots of footage of the father driving on a suspended license both alone and with their child in the car, all things he had denied to the judge. After seeing this hard evidence, the judge not only denied the father’s request for more custody, but also stripped all the father’s custody and granted full custody to our client, the child’s mother.
Beyond compelling evidence, the advantage of utilizing a professional private investigator is that they can also conduct an in-depth, confidential background check on the party in question. This can be used in conjunction with evidence obtained to substantiate that party’s character and pattern of lifestyle as detrimental to your child’s well being.
Keeping Journals & Records Simply Isn’t Enough
Diligently keeping a journal of events, incidences, interactions with your child, and copies of emails and voice mails are important. In court however, those alone simply may not be enough to convince the judge of what you know to be best for your child’s welfare. A reputable private investigator can assist you by providing factual evidence to the judge regarding the parent in question.
Aside from relieving you of the stress of proving your case , a private investigator can save you many hours of custody hearings and attorneys’ fees by providing evidence that simply closes the case in your favor.
Child Custody: Skipped Town With The Kids Scenario
If the other parent has skipped town with your kids and is remaining aloof, now is the time to act and utilize this scenario to get a custody ruling in your favor. As private investigators, we perform skip tracing and locating of individuals and family members who have done just that – skipped town. By proving they’ve skipped town and impeded your custody or visitation agreement, you may have substantial evidence that can turn custody to your favor. The key is to act now and use this horrible situation to your favor.
Idaho’s Trusted Experts In Child Custody Investigations
One of the Boise area’s most experienced private investigators for child custody cases, we’re called upon by parents and attorneys alike. We perform thorough investigations that Idaho custody courts trust in Boise, Eagle, Meridian, Nampa & all of Southern Idaho. Connect with us today for an objective consultation about your case!
Till next time!
Certified Private Investigator
Steadfast Private Investigations